Pa helping Dan at the Norse Hall
Well it was a year ago today(okay, it was a Sat. last year) that my step dad Charlie John passed over to heaven, Folkvang, Elysium, the After Life, the All that Is. Now while he was not my biological father(that was Nick) he was in every other way as beloved to me as a blood father could have been. He was my Dad, and I wish truly he could have been there even earlier in my childhood, but hey, he got me during my broody, moody hormonal teenage girl years. Bless his heart, and he also raised three other daughters before me. One who is his only biological child. He was a hard working man, was expert woodworker, and draftsman. He could build anything, and I mean anything.
He treated my mother like a damn queen, and I could never thank him enough for being such an amazing husband and friend to her.
I miss him, and I know he dwells in the heaven of his faith, with his ancestors. If there is Rainier beer in heaven I know he is drinking one. Hail Pa, we all miss you so much, but I know you watch over all of us.